Are you one of the people already tired of the hate being spewed by the politicians this year? And no, this isn’t a “whose side are you on” type of post. I’m on God’s side. Do your family members get caught up in all the newscasts, the TikTok videos, the hateful rhetoric being thrown around. So and so this, so and so that. We’ve actually banned my husband from news at times because he gets so worked up. And it is contagious. All the negativity and doom and gloom, does it bring you down? For those of us who have a hard time dragging ourselves out of bed every day, it so easily makes it much worse.
One of the things I have done, to give myself something to look forward each day is signing up for Audibles. No, I’m not here plugging Audibles, but I am telling you that it is something that helps me get to work each day. Once I’m at work, I have no problem. I love my co-workers, my boss and my job. Knowing I had a book to listen to on my 40 minute or so drive to work, helped me get up. It took me rewinding throughout the first book or so to get used to listening and not letting my thoughts wander but now I absolutely love it. I’ve listened to some of my favorite authors. Yes, Stephen King, is one of them. But he makes it easy to drop down a dark rabbit hole. So, I started listening to uplifting and inspirational books. Jennie Allen and Jess Connolly are two of my favorites, too. I’ve found autobiographies like Matthew Perry, for all the Friends fans out there. But in all the time I have been listening to books, it never occurred to me to look up Max Lucado.
I have been a Christian for a long time. A nice collection of Max Lucado’s books sit on my bookshelf. Something about his writing is special. No drama, no scandals, just God, comes from him. Scrolling through Facebook a few weeks ago (because I was wasting my time instead of doing something productive), Max’s name popped up with one of his new books, “What Happens Next. A Traveler’s Guide Through the End of This Age” I am already longing for the end of this election period, sick of the fighting between families and friends over which politician is good and which is bad. I needed this book, so I used my monthly credit to download it and started listening. Everything he writes is backed up by scripture. He narrates the book himself and I can tell you, his voice is very soothing. Almost too soothing at first, but then I was hooked. This book reminded me that God is in control and that has never changed. The future is already set. Our future, as Christians, is already set. Even if some of the scholars, authors and Christians may disagree on certain aspects such as when will the rapture occur, we all agree on the main foundation of our faith and that is the salvation offered by Jesus. And that our future is already laid out for us. We know where we are going. It doesn’t matter who wins or loses this election, our God is still in control.
Many blessings to you whether you are a Christian or not. It’s not my place to judge you but it is my place to pray for you and I do. I encourage you to pick up any one of Max Lucado’s books and read it or listen to it. You’ll find hope that you didn’t know that you needed.